Sunday, January 13, 2013

November Birthdays

For years the only birthday in our family was that of our son Chris.  As our family expanded, new November birthdays came along.  In the last three years we have added two very important birthdays.  Lily turned three on November 18th and Turk turned 2 on November 30th.  Both grandchildren are a source of joy and delight in my life.

On Sunday, December 2nd we got together to eat cake and ice cream and to celebrate these two little ones' birthdays.

Turk loves his puzzle and is already an expert. He wants to give me a high five and a fist bump (like grandpa taught him) after every piece. He's going to go crazy when we put the batteries in. He also loves his little dinosaurs and wants me to give them kisses.

Little Helpers

At ten months, Tek gives every sign that any moment now he is going to take off and walk.  When I went shopping for his Christmas present, I knew that he was already walking around the furniture.  A baby carriage or stroller is not very masculine for a boy to push around, so I decided on a shopping cart.  There are many of them on the market.  Finally I decide on this Little Helper's shopping cart.

It was delivered one day and I simply put it away out of sight.  I knew that one day soon I would have to face the reality of putting this toy together and I kept putting that moment off.  Finally the other day when Tek's mother was here, I said, "Let's do it.  Will you help me?"

Carefully we opened the large box and Tek's mom leaned over and pulled the cart out.  "There," she said, "all done."   Both of us were completely surprised that no assembly was required.   Vastly relieved too.

Later that same day, Tek's older brother noticed the box with this great picture on the side.  He opened the top of the box.  We knew that Turk wanted to get the cart out so that he could check it out.  He reached into the large box and tried to lift the also large shopping cart out of the box.  Turk's mom was ready to whisk the box away, but I asked her to wait.  "Let's see how his

Sunday Morning

I still have three very Finnish looking reindeer sitting on the kitchen windowsill.  When I close the blind at night one of the ears sticks through the slats.  Last night Tarzan stared at it for a long time.  Finally he tried jumping up to get the brown felt ear sticking through the white slats.  Unfortunately he couldn't get far enough off the ground to grab it.  He gave up very easily.  

On the other hand, it is very apparent that he loves to torment Rex.  Rex slept for a really long time this morning.  When he finally got up, he headed for the back door to go outside.  However, every step of his way there was a big mean cat right in front of him.  I finally swished Tarzan away with Rex's towel and Rex ran outside.  

The sun is shining gloriously today.  We've had inversion so it is lovely to see the sun.  However, it is after noon and the temperature on the windowsill is only  20 degrees.  Brrrr  I don't think anyone will really want to play outside.  

Tek and Turk are here while their mother is at a Church meeting.  The bishop of her ward emailed a message to ward members saying that if you do not have 4 wheel drive, you cannot get up the slope to get into the parking lot at their church on Foothills Drive.  Ugh.  The Professor and I would be staying home or hitching a drive.  Apparently there have been accidents in the lot this morning.  What a way to start the wishing you had stayed in bed.