Thursday, June 27, 2013


A newspaper article from last summer tells a bit about the black or dark jellyfish who can wash up on the shores of La Jolla.  They come in close to shore during the warm weather seeking plankton to eat.

The feathery pink jellyfish from Disney's Finding Nemo do not really look too dangerous until you see the main characters, Marlin and Dory, reacting in fright to the dangers of being stung.

Odds and Ends - Especially Odds

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Walking on the Beach

The professor standing next to a board that is used with a paddle.  Much larger than a surf board.

Changes on Appleton Street

The last time that we were here two years ago the side of the garage was covered with insulation and there was no door in the side of the building.  It was a delightful surprise to see the finished product.  It was so easy to go into the garage and find the beach and pool toys stored there.

Comic Con

When we arrived in Las Vegas about a week ago, we discovered that the hotel where we were staying was host to a small convention of Comic Con.  We happened to be there on children's day and the parking elevators were full of parents and their children.  Some of them dressed in comic book character costumes.

When we were checking in we saw Cat Woman.  She kindly posed for me.  I thought she was sensational.  She was slim and curvy just as Cat Woman should be.

I didn't have the courage to take this man's picture so I stole a snap from behind him on the elevator.  His costume definitely looked home made, but at least he was a big man who looked appropriate in this warrior's shiny silver clothing.  

We saw an abundance of Supermen and all of them were a terrible let down.  They were thin and powerless looking wearing suits with built in muscles. The suits neither fit them correctly nor suited them.  Apparently I am not the only one who did not take pictures of these super heroes because I could not find anyone who looked similar on the internet.  

The hotel was crowded.  Taking an elevator meant standing in line, but I would not have missed it for anything.  

Friday, June 21, 2013

Kosher Breakfast

Breakfast at the faculty club:

Chopped tomatoes and cucumbers, tuna salad, honey creamed cheese, boiled eggs etc


Friday, June 7, 2013

Gethsemane and the Tomb Garden

The Garden of Gethsemane is just a small area.  As you can see it has a 'church' that is built on its location.  Olive trees can live to be 2500 to 3000 years old. Some of these trees have incredibly thick trunks.  
File:Jerusalem Gethsemane tango7174.jpg

The Church of All Nations is included in the Garden of Gethsemane.  It was quiet with few visitors when we were there.

View of the Old City from the Garden of Gethsemane.  
The Garden is at the bottom of the Kidron Valley and this photo is taken looking up towards the old city above the valley.  

Quiet interior of the Church of All Nations

Unlike the crowded Church of the Sepulchre, the Garden Tomb was quiet with few people there.  It had a reverent atmosphere.  The Garden is close to the Old City above the Garden of Gethsemane. 

From one corner of the garden you can look across to what is believed to be Golgotha, the Scull or Calvary.  The Arab bus station is right by it, but the station cannot over shadow the grim skull-like depression in the cliff rock.