Monday, August 29, 2011

The Problem with Down Comforters and Other Miscellany

We have noticed that most hotels have thrown away their bed spreads. Instead the beds are made with a white sheet, a white comforter and then a second white sheet. Usually a decorative throw of some sort is across the foot of the bed. The beds look comfortable and inviting but they have one problem. Usually it is too cool to sleep under only a sheet but not cold enough to sleep under the down comforter. I end up either chilly or sweating and longing for a light blanket to throw over the sheet.

Of course, our apartment has the same problem at the moment. Too cool to sleep under just a sheet but too warm for the down comforter. I will wake in the night with cold hands while the rest of me is too hot. And of course, there is no such thing as a light blanket to throw over a sheet. All of this is not helping me to overcome the jet lag that I am experiencing.

On Sunday a very cute little girl was playing under the seats just in front of us during sacrament meeting. Of course she was blond. She was making faces at me and I was telling her how cute she was silently. Suddenly it hit me that she looked exactly like Toppi who we met in San Diego. When I looked around I realized that several of the children looked as if they could have been Toppi's children. The cute little one in front of us did not look at all like her mom and dad.

That's when I discovered that Alex and Kristi must have got a little Finnish baby by mistake. Gemma looks remarkably like the cute little children at Church on Sunday. The stork must have dropped her off on the wrong continent. I am so glad he did!!

We had to break out the umbrellas for the first time today. It was fairly warm out but very rainy. We walked over to Dad's office and got keys. However, no one was around to change the name and password on the computer so no one could get into it...but last year's Fulbright, of course.

We got lunch at the student cafeteria. One price for all you can eat, I assume. The woman behind the food heaped way too much macaroni with ground beef on to my plate. Definitely needs Eser's approach to eating - lots of ketchup. I tried the black bread and really liked it, Leanna. Much more than the rye. And there was a small salad bar. With boiled potatoes. They were new potatoes but we noticed the girl opposite us pealed ( or is it peeled) them before eating them. I didn't notice if she put butter or anything on them.

Over our sink is a perfectly normal kitchen cabinet. However, when you open the doors you discover a very convenient rack for drying dishes. Pretty clever, I think.

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