Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Then and Now

I was surprised to see Les Halles in ruins. Of course, I don't keep up with the latest in Paris and certainly not with this controversy. The shops at Les Halles are still open but the area around it is definitely rubble. Is it going to be a huge underground central station sending trains to all corners of Europe? A park? Shopping? I can't tell. But apparently in about 2015 the project is supposed to be finished.

In the mean time, the Professor is still lamenting that the open market is long gone. He remembers the days when they went shopping for the mission home and bought fruits and vegetables and chickens in this huge space.

Not as noticeable as Les Halles was the construction going on at the front of the American Church/Cathedral in Paris. I assume that it is just getting a face lift and some necessary maintenance done to it.

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