Saturday, September 15, 2012


Outside of the house where Muriel grew up was a large hollyhock bush.  I don't think it was supposed to be a bush, but to me as a nine year old girl, it seemed tall and broad.  Hollyhock blossoms are made for little girls to dream about.  I am convinced.  I can remember picking blossoms from the plant and pretending that they were beautiful ballerinas.

Once in awhile I will see a hollyhock plant here where I live.  They always remind me of Grandpa and  Grandma Toole's home in Medicine Hat.  Happy memories of a brief moment of dreaming with a delicate dancer in my hand.

I often wonder if there are still hollyhocks growing in the garden.  The house is still there and a cousin's daughter lives there.  I hope she kept the hollyhocks.

Hollyhock Dolls Poems


When mother dear wore gingham frocks, 
Her dollies grew on hollyhocks.
Here was a lady clad in silk,
there was another, white as milk.
Dainty dolls in silken frocks
Blooming on the hollyhocks,
Bowing low at every breeze;
Nodding to the bumble-bees.
Darling dolls in dainty frocks
Blooming on the hollyhocks.  

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