Saturday, November 17, 2012

Broken Branches

After the snow storm last week, many of our neighbors' yards as well as ours had broken branches from the weight of snow and ice on the boughs and leaves.  The professor and I worked to cut up branches and stuff them into our garbage can on Wednesday.  Fortunately all of the branches fell out of the can into the truck when it came by on Thursday.  However, we still had a very thick branch that the professor  was struggling with a hand saw to cut up.  

As I was sitting here by the kitchen window this morning, I saw two trucks with a load of branches each.  They stopped across the street and the drivers talked for a moment.One drove away and before the other could leave, I ran out into the street with my slippers on and asked if they could haul away the huge branch we had left.  Like magic it was gone.  

I think that the good Samaritans were the ward scouts with their leaders.

When I got up at 7:30 this morning, the professor  told me that we were going outside at ten to rake leaves in the backyard.  So when he came to the kitchen around ten, I told him that I had done my yard work for the day already.  I told him that I had got rid of the branches.  Of course, he did not believe me.  He was ready to go deal with the branches.  

By the way, it is raining out and the professor has a cold, so I told him to go back to bed and watch TV and grade papers.  He is still out in the garage.  I don't know what he is busy doing.  At least he has not suggested that I go to rake leaves.  Phew!  

Oh, I spoke too soon.  Do you have any idea how much heavier wet leaves are than dry?  Where is my math genius when I need her?

Can it really only be a week since we were walking on the beach in Sarasota?  

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