Thursday, August 1, 2013

Monday, July 29th,  with the sun shining on the shallow water by the shore, we saw lots of fish swimming right next to the beach.  They were caught in the waves and when they realized they were so close to the shore line, they immediately turned around and headed back into the surf.

The Professor and I saw the fish in the photographs above on July 17th.  At that time another person watching the fish told us that they were Corbina.  Were the fish we saw on Monday exactly the same?  I am not sure.  They were about 24 inches long as are the Corbina.

This corbina is pictured in Wikipedia as a California Corbina

In the pictures we took on July 17th, the fish on close inspection look as if they might be silver if they were not in the ocean water.  My judgement is still out on what type of fish we saw when we went to look at the tide pools with our daughter Lisa and her 3 daughters.  I have searched the internet and feel no closer to putting a name to the fish than I did at the beginning.  I thought when I saw them that they had another set of fins close to their tails.  The Corbina does not.  So for now the fish are mystery fish on my blog.  

One fish that is not a mystery is the Yellowtail that is caught just off the shore almost daily.  Fishermen in kayaks set out fishing and around 9 or 10 in the morning come in with a large fish that fills the front section of their kayak.  

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