Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Night with the LDS Institute

Elder and Sister Roberts are the missionaries assigned to work with the young adults in Helsinki in the seminary and institute program. Both of them are eager and dynamic. Sister Roberts is so bubbly that I feel as if I am going to float away on an effervescent sea.

A few weeks ago, they asked the professor if he would be willing to speak to the young adults who come to the institute. He agreed and we invited them to come to our apartment. Very selfish on our part because that meant that we did not have to go anywhere after dark in the cold.

Last night fourteen of them arrived at our apartment. Of course, the apartment is so big if feels as if it was meant for entertaining. As always the professor gave a very good presentation on the current presidential elections in the United States with a focus on Mitt Romney. The audience had a lot of questions and were eager to discuss the subject.

Afterwards we served store bought cookies and soda pop and water. Then the young people bundled up in their winter clothing and went off into the cold dark night.

Overall, a success with no stress for this blogger. I would be willing to have them over again with a guest speaker provided by the Roberts.

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