Saturday, January 28, 2012

Odds and Ends

1. This afternoon as we were walking down the street, we saw two dark haired men get into a parked car ahead of us. It was surrounded by quite a bit of snow. The driver revved up the engine and turned to pull out onto the street. The next thing I knew there was his car pointing down towards the ground with the passenger rear wheel far off the ground. After a few more futile attempts the passenger got out and gave the car a push and they got out of the snow.

I told Dad, "Thank goodness. I didn't want to have to go tell him that he could get out if he would just straighten his wheels."

I have wondered if they were from Finland. They didn't look too expert about driving in the snow. I have never seen a rear wheel spinning a foot or so off the ground before. :O)

2. On January 1st the sun rose at 9:24 and set at 3:23. Today the sun rose at 8:46and set at 4:21. We are definitely moving in the right direction!!!

3. This is one of those bags that folds up into an envelope and the whole thing fits in the pocket of my blue jeans. But when we pulled it out to use it at the store, the professor was not too enthusiastic about carrying it. He thought it was too feminine.

4. Today the professor asked me, "Where do you want to go for lunch?"

Me: "Chico's. I'd like a hamburger.

He: "Or we could go to Rax again."

Surprise, surprise. We went to Rax.

And it was full of people. Saturday craziness. About a dozen 8 to 10 year olds sat right next to us. They were amazingly well behaved. If you pay for ice cream with your meal, you are given a plate, a cup for a drink and an empty cone. It didn't take me long to notice that the boys were filling their ice cream cones and then eating the ice cream with a cup. That way they could go fill the cone/dish again. Pretty clever.

On the other hand the woman sitting right next to Earl turned out to be much worse behaved. Sitting at the next table over, her son spilled his cup of soda pop all over a jacket hanging on the chair next to him. Fortunately I don't speak Finnish so that I did not understand what she was shouting at him about. She was definitely angry and let everyone know it. I understand about being a stressed out mom, but it was just an accident and he struggled to clean it up. She made no effort to help him. Sigh. Maybe we will not go to Rax next Saturday.

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