Sunday, September 23, 2012

Brigham City Temple Dedication

Dedication - Sunday, September 23, 2012, in three sessions. The dedicatory sessions will be broadcast to all stakes of the Church in Utah (a stake is similar to a diocese).

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hand Prints

Yesterday my daughters, Leanna and Kristi, decided to make hand prints of their small children.  The thought crossed my mind, "Why don't we try it out on a piece of paper first?"  Of course, I did not voice that idea.  

Gemma put her hand in the pink painted and curled her fingers in an effort to grab a handful.  She did a very good job of spreading her fingers and putting her hand on the canvas.  The problem was that she immediately closed her fingers and thumb tightly against each other.  The result was a blob.  

Turk and Tek were pretty much as successful as Gemma.  Finally the two mothers gave the children the paint brushes that came with the kits.  The result was lots of paint on the canvas and even more paint on the children.  I hope that the paint washed out of Gemma's shirt.   

When the children were fast asleep last night, Leanna traced their two hands onto the blue canvas.  Surprisingly Tek's hand is almost as large as Turks.  I think her art project shows lots of creativity on everyone's part.  

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Outside of the house where Muriel grew up was a large hollyhock bush.  I don't think it was supposed to be a bush, but to me as a nine year old girl, it seemed tall and broad.  Hollyhock blossoms are made for little girls to dream about.  I am convinced.  I can remember picking blossoms from the plant and pretending that they were beautiful ballerinas.

Once in awhile I will see a hollyhock plant here where I live.  They always remind me of Grandpa and  Grandma Toole's home in Medicine Hat.  Happy memories of a brief moment of dreaming with a delicate dancer in my hand.

I often wonder if there are still hollyhocks growing in the garden.  The house is still there and a cousin's daughter lives there.  I hope she kept the hollyhocks.

Hollyhock Dolls Poems


When mother dear wore gingham frocks, 
Her dollies grew on hollyhocks.
Here was a lady clad in silk,
there was another, white as milk.
Dainty dolls in silken frocks
Blooming on the hollyhocks,
Bowing low at every breeze;
Nodding to the bumble-bees.
Darling dolls in dainty frocks
Blooming on the hollyhocks.  

Saturday, September 1, 2012


"They" say that our country has not been this divided or polarized since the Civil War.  I am not sure that is true, but it does seem that people judge each other by who they voted for in the last election.  Personally I find it very difficult to understand why anyone in my ward would make a judgement call on anyone, let alone based on their middle of the road political philosophy.  

One of the unique aspects of this year's presidential race is that the Professor served in France on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the same time that Mitt Romney (the Republican candidate).  

On the Daily Show Thursday, Jon Stewart talked/joked about Mitt Romney.  Among the pictures that he used in talking about Romney's mission was this one.  If you know the professor, you can immediately pick him out in the back row in this photograph.  The only blond wearing glasses.  Since most of us in the family are Daily Show fans, we were excited when we learned that "Dad" was on the Daily Show.  Please note that none of us gets our news information from the program, but we do get quite a few laughs.