Sunday, September 15, 2013

Hurricane Sandy

Blog from October 30, 2012

Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast today.  My son-in-law Will reminded me that the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington Cemetery continues to watch over this reverent site no matter what type of weather.   

Sandy hitting the coast of Massachusetts

Plans for 2014

Professor's plans for next year - 2014.  

End of January go to Paris.  Live there until the end of April.  

Back in Utah at the end of April for him to teach the spring term.  

Mid June go to San Diego for two months.  

End of August return to Provo for a week.

Fly to Virginia to do the Washington Seminar Program one last time. 

We will be home for Christmas and for the Professor to get ready to teach at BYU for the winter 2015 semester.

So in 2014 we will be living in Provo for about 3 months.