Saturday, May 5, 2012

Uspenski Cathedral

The Orthodox Cathedral stands out above the city of Helsinki.  It is impossible to visit the port and not be aware of it standing on a hill and a massive rock.  Until today we have put off walking up to the church for a closer look.  Now of course, I wonder why we did not do this long ago.

The church was built under the "reign" of Nicholas II of Russia.  It sometimes considered the largest Orthodox church in western Europe.  I was so surprised at how small the interior actually is.  The building is square and there are no fixed pews.  So different from other churches that we have visited.  So many are built in the shape of a cross.  The altar is decorated with dozens of icons.  It looks magnificent and almost overpowering.  Definitely worth climbing up the hill.

In 2007 a valuable icon was stolen during the day while the church was filled with tourists.  The icon was in a small glass case and apparently simply picked up and carried away.  In 2010 another icon was stolen.  This time the thieves broke into the building during the night.  When an imprisoned thief confessed to the whereabouts of the icon, it was found badly damaged and buried in the ground in Turku.  It has since been restored and returned to the church.

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