Thursday, November 15, 2012

Trying to Adjust to the Cold

Not only did we return to winter but it was very definitely fall when we left.  We came home to daytime highs that did not get above freezing for a few days.  Here is a bit about our adventures:

Before we left the professor and I knew that the forecast was for snow in Utah on the weekend that we returned..  However, that did not do anything to prepare us for the snow when we got back.  We forgot to put a snow brush or scraper into the car!!!  I got the luggage and the professor went to the extended parking to pick up the car.  He was gone for a very, very long time.  I waited outside with the luggage for him to pick me up.  I had a faux leather jacket and gloves on but my hands started freezing.  My feet were fine.  I finally pulled out a pair of socks from my backpack and put them on my hands over the gloves.  They happened to be the wonderful wool socks that the professor brought me from Poland yesterday.  Too big for my feet and gray and orange stripped.  

Meanwhile the professor was trying to scrape more than a foot of accumulated snow off the car using a t-shirt and his arm.  And of course, he did not pack any gloves to take to Florida.  Thank goodness he did take a jacket.  

So we definitely were not prepared for the cold even though we should have known better!  

Now that we are home we are trying to adjust to the cold.  Our house should be winterized.  However,  for some reason the master bedroom is toasty warm and the rest of the house is cold.  As a result the professor usually has the temperature for the entire house set so that he is comfortable in the too warm room.   More Brrr.  

For the first time in years, wearing umpteen layers is paying off.  

Just to let you know, it is currently warmer during the day in Helsinki than it is in Provo.  And for sure it is warmer in the apt on Liisankatu than it is on Cherokee Lane.  Brrrr  My slippers and socks and three layers topped off with a sweater are keeping me relatively warm, but I noticed that my nose is cold.  Meanwhile Dad has turned the fan on in the bedroom because it is too warm.  HOLY TOLEDO!

One of the sad notes about the foot or so of snow that fell in two days is that we lost several branches from the trees in our front yard.  The boughs just snapped off and fell to the ground.  The ragged edges need to be cut smooth so that they do not become infected or invite tree parasites.  

As a result I  have spent a good part/bad part of the afternoon helping the professor drag around broken tree branches and help stuff odds and ends that he cut off into the garbage can.  I hope it all falls out tomorrow into the city garbage truck.    

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