Sunday, July 31, 2011

Important family visitor

Although we have been renting a house or apartment in the San Diego area for about 18 years, we have not always had visitors. Each year we extend an invitation to various family members without them accepting. Last year we were surprised when Earl's older sister told us that she would come to visit us.

Much to our delight, she had such a good time with us that she came to visit again this summer. Last year we had some babies and their mothers visiting us too and she enjoyed meeting them. This year it was just the three of us. When it came time for Bette to return to Santa Cruz, we weren't quite ready for her to go. She arrived on Monday and left on Thursday. Those days sped by very quickly.

Bette is not very strong and secure on her legs any more, so the sightseeing that we did had to have limited walking. We stopped by the LDS temple and went to the lighthouse on Point Loma. Mostly we talked and laughed together. We went swimming in the pool or sat by the pool and talked.

Bette is Earl's half sister. She is about 20 years older than he is. She has some interesting stories to tell about Earl's family. Some day I will need to try to remember all of her stories and try to write them down.

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