Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Life on the Beach

Although I am fascinated by the marine life that we see on the beach, I know very little about it. I wish I knew more, but I have a tendency to forget the information when I read. When the tide goes out, a whole new world emerges. The rocks close to the shore line are covered with shells of all sorts and small crabs which scurry for cover when they detect any movement.

If you look carefully between the two rocks below you will see a crab clinging to the left hand rock. The crab is holding very still hoping that I will not see it or disturb it.

These shells below are not actually snails. They are hermit crabs which move into empty shells. They too are usually beneath the water except at low tide.

In the picture below, Earl is trying to point out the small crabs that are hiding among the shells.

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