Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hello Kitty

While we were in Utah for Christmas, I went shopping one day with Noah. We looked at all sorts of things. When he saw these ear buds with Hello Kitty on them, he picked them up and put them in our basket.

Since we listen to both Sacrament Meeting and Relief Society with a translator, the ear buds have been perfect. Thank you, Noah very much.

The quality of the picture is not great, but I love it. Noah who is 3 went to the movies with his Aunt Kristi (our youngest daughter). I have no idea how much of the popcorn he ate, but I love his upside down sunglasses at the movie. He loves to go shopping with me even if all we do is look at the toy section without buying anything. He used to get up in the morning and say to his mom, "I am going shopping with Grandma today." Even if he wasn't.

When he was told in January that I was leaving, he told his mom, "No she's not. She wants to stay here."

When I have Noah to shop and play with, why would I want to leave?

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