Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Art of Teaching and Other Skills

At the beginning of the semester, the Professor discovered that the seminar he teaches on Tuesday overlaps with a class that some of his students are enrolled in. He talked to the professor teaching the other class. His colleague said that it didn't matter to him. His class that started at 2:15 was large enough that it didn't matter to him if three students were late every week. The Professor's class is apparently small enough that he cares whether his students will miss part of their next class every week. His class is now ending 1/2 hour early so that his three students can get the first half hour of the other class.

It didn't seem to occur to the other professor that he could make a concession and start his class 15 minutes later so that the students would benefit from the compromise.

I happened to be there when the two instructors were discussing the problem. The Professor's colleague was very off hand about the situation. It didn't affect him personally so he wasn't concerned.

I am very grateful the MY professor cares about his students.

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