Thursday, August 4, 2011

Foggy Day

Most mornings we drive to La Jolla Shores and walk on the beach. Frequently it is foggy in the morning. Yesterday when we left the house, it was a sunshiny, glorious day. On our 10 to 15 minute to the beach we go over Interstate 5. As we approached the entrance, we could see a brown cloud hanging in the air. It seemed to rise from the ground and separate into two clouds. It almost look like smoke but we could smell nothing in the air. As we got closer to the freeway, I could see that the freeway below us was shrouded in fog. Going up over the mountain we encountered the most fog we have ever seen on the coast.

At the beach itself, we could see only a few surfers riding the waves like ghosts in the mist. We turned north and walked towards a mass of fog. There was no evidence that we were walking towards Scripps pier. Finally it came into sight but even next to it, we could not see where the pier ended in the ocean.

Before we left the sun was already starting to burn through the mist. We don't expect to see a day quite like this one again for a long time.

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