Monday, August 29, 2011

A Letter to our Grandchildren

I just wanted to tell you that I love you and am thinking about you. There are so many new and different things about living in Finland.
The church meetings are just in an apartment building and we sit on chairs during sacrament meeting instead of benches.

Last Sunday when we were walking home from church, we crossed a park. The first thing we noticed was a man with a little dog that had a pushed in squashed face. We walked a little further and there was the same dog with a different owner. As we continued walking in the park we saw the very same dog with another owner.
It was not until we got into the middle of the park that we realized that there was a dog show. Everywhere people were walking their dogs on leashes or brushing their dogs’ hair. There were brightly colored tents all around a large field of grass. The tents were shelters for the dogs and places for the owners to groom their dogs.

Grandpa and I agreed that we had some grandchildren and some daughters who would have loved being there with us to see all of the dogs.
We think about you every day and miss you very much.

Love from
Grandma and Grandpa

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