For years we have lived in Provo surrounded by other members of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When I have been admonished to be a missionary and share the gospel of Jesus Christ, I have had a hard time thinking of anyone I know that is not already a member.
While we were in San Diego this summer we learned that at their recent stake conference their president had asked all of the local members to pray for a missionary experience and to prepare themselves for the time when someone will ask them about the church. Again I more or less thought, "I really don't even know anyone in the area where we are renting a house. No one will be asking me about the church."
Well, I got my unprayed for missionary experience this past weekend.
On Saturday afternoon, I sat beside Maija (Maya) at the long cafeteria table. Maija's husband Aki (Awkey) works for the Fulbright Center here in Helsinki. As we eating our lunch, Maija asked me where we lived in Utah and when I explained that we did not live in Salt Lake City, she asked me if I was a Mormon. Then she totally surprised me by telling me, "I am a Believer."
As our conversation progressed, I discovered that she believed in God and she was finding it challenging because Aki does not. She went on to tell me that during the past year, the missionaries had come to their door twice. I don't know if they were invited in or not, but I asked her if they had given her a Book of Mormon. Had she read any of it?
She told me about a spiritual experience she had with her parents. I didn't understand what they had seen but she said she had a feeling inside her that it was true, that God lives.
I told her that if she would read the
Book of Mormon and pray about it*, that she would have that same experience of knowing that it was true.
I am sure there was more I should have said. We didn't talk again after lunch and before we left. I am not sure if I will see her again. I feel as if I blew it. I just didn't know where to go from there. I would love to talk to her again and ask if she has read anything in the Book of Mormon. I am reasonably sure that she is not in a place where she is ready to have the missionaries come to their home to teach her. I got the feeling that she is concerned about Aki's antagonism.
They are a young couple. She is very beautiful and I think maybe is expecting a baby. She left me with a very sweet feeling. I hope that we will have the chance to meet again.
I do know that it is about time, I started learning to pray that I will know what to say and how to handle the situation when/if someone talks to me again about the church.

2011 Fulbright grantees in Finland
And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. ” (
Moroni 10:4)