Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Places I Missed in Turku

I have a few confessions to make. I cannot read a map. If I look at a map, I need to turn it around so that it is oriented exactly as I am standing in order for there to be any hope that I will find my way home.

I would never go anywhere if it was not for Earl. I would sit in my little house and read books and eat bon bons. And let's face it, without Earl and his Fulbright I would never have come to Helsinki.

In Turku, we never had a chance to go see anything together. I have already confessed that I fell asleep on Friday afternoon. On Saturday morning before leaving for more meetings, Earl told me to go sightseeing or neither of us would see any of Turku. He showed me where I was on the map and where the market square was. He left me to fend for myself and some how I did not get lost. However, I found that it was too far to walk to the castle.

I never did see the exterior let alone the interior of the Sibelius museum. Nor did I see the Museum of Art or the Jewish Synagog. My one regret is that I never got to a harbor to see any part of the scattered archipelago between the sea and Turku.

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