Thursday, October 13, 2011

Helsinki, Finland
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Grandpa and I miss you very much. We think about you and say a prayer for you every day. I am looking forward to seeing you in the spring time.
Maybe you heard that Grandpa and I went on a big ship not long ago. It was actually a ferry that carried cars and great big trucks as well as passengers like us who did not have a car.

What do you think would happen if they put all of the big trucks filled with cargo at one end of the boat and all of the cars at the other end? Grandpa and I sat and watched the loading through a great big window on the ship. The men directed the trucks and cars so that they were mixed up so that the ship would be balanced. There were two decks at the bottom of the ship for cars and trucks.

What do you think that Grandpa is standing next to in this picture? It is a very small boat on the great big one. If there should be any problems with the ferry, all of the people could get into the small life boats. I wasn’t at all worried that something would go wrong because I knew that the ferry would be safe. It makes the trip from Helsinki to Stockholm and then comes back the next day. It sails every day of the year. Even in the winter time when there is ice in the water. The Ferry was called the Mariella.

If you look at this page , you will see a ferry called the Isabella sailing through the ice in the winter.

This video is of a ship called an ice breaker. It is going to rescue a ship that is trapped in the ice.
While we were looking out the window at the back of the ship, we saw a little tug boat that helped a big barge move. It reminded me of Thomas the train and some books about boats that I have seen.

We love you very much. Grandma and Grandpa Fry

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