Wednesday, March 21, 2012

French Bread and French Pastry

We have discovered that Finns are not obsessed with dessert the way other cultures we are familiar with are. The bakeries in Helsinki have a limited display of pastries. So when we went to Paris I said I was going to eat pastry even if the price was ridicules. Here are just a few pictures from outside the patissier. This picture is so like something that all the students we have traveled with would do. I could not resist having the Professor take a picture of the two of us in the mirror.

Wonderful pastries to eat on rue St. Denis.
You will really have to concentrate to figure out what is going on in this picture. I didn't decide to take a picture until it was almost too late. I am actually standing inside of the boulangerie that we love on rue St. Dominique. The young man is putting loaves of bread on a conveyor belt that will take the white loaves on the left into the oven. This bakery is busy all day long and it is wonderful when you are there at the right moment to buy a loaf of traditional bread warm from the oven.
This bakery was within walking distance of our little studio apartment. It has received awards for being the best bakery in Paris. We bought some pastry that was delicious and flaky. But it is really true that I am not a conoisseur.

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