Monday, October 8, 2012

Mission Reunion

I have been dreading attending the reunion for missionaries who served in France under President H.Duane and Sister Leola Anderson.  Sister Anderson's death in an automobile accident has got a lot of attention with Mitt Romney (who was driving the car) running for the president of the United States.  I had absolutely no fear that Mitt and Ann Romney were going to appear.  I have never met them so I have no vanity to protect from encountering them.  It is the people who knew me when I was a much thinner 112 pounds when I got married, that I was worried about.  People like Cecil Ash and Judy and George Keele.

Needless to say, I worried for no reason.  No one said to me, "My, you have put on a lot of weight and a few more chins since I last saw you."  

It was delightful meeting with old friends and meeting others whom I had only heard about from former Elders Fry and Fisher. 

Elaine Fry, Cecil and Linda Ash
w Linda Rane and John Fisher in the background.

Judy Keele and Judy Steenblik talking to George Keele
Rick Anderson, a grandson of Pres and Sister Anderson,
in the right background

Charles (Bill) Ryan with Mike and Barbi Flynn

Barbi Nixon Flynn and Michael Flynn with Dave and Sister Birrell

Craig Frogley and Gerrit Steenblik

Walter Rane and George Keele

Judy and George Keele with Judy Steenblik 

I have heard so much about Elder Rane's art being displayed while on his mission in France.  I enjoyed the opportunity to meet him and especially his wife Linda.  Someone mentioned that Rane's son was the model for Joseph Smith in his painting of the First Vision.  I particularly like this self-portrait.  

Minerva Teichert is a well known LDS painter among early artists in Utah.  Two of her works were on display at the Williams gallery where the reunion was held.  One was Spanish Dancers and the other was Pink Roses.  It was interesting to see works done by her that were not church related.  

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