Saturday, October 27, 2012

Watching movies with Toddlers

Dad is in WA DC and of all things, I got the carpet cleaned yesterday.  I waited 3 weeks for an appointment.  So we all ended up on my bed watching the movie.  I am not at all sure that either Kristi or Leanna have a clue what the movie was about.  What a zoo.  And in the middle of the movie, I had to go VTing.  Crazy night.  Kristi and Gemma slept over while Leanna and her sleepy boys went home .  

Today Noah said to me in a very sad voice, "I wish that they had stayed at my house instead.  But we don't have room for so many people."  

He surprised us today.  I was cleaning out my purse and he found a fabric glasses cleaner in a small plastic container.  We talked about what it was and then he said, "It's from Costco.  I can tell."  And sure enough in subdued white print, the word Costco was printed across the plastic sleeve.  He is getting pretty smart. 

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