Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Training Begins

I finally broke down and saw my Family Practice doctor about managing the pain in my arm with torn tendons, torn muscles and a torn rotator cuff.

He gave me a steroid shot in my shoulder and showed me exercises that I need to do to strengthen my arm.  Twelve reps of each, three days a week.

I get to use weights and do exciting exercises such as:  choo-choo-choo, rock the baby, play the flasher and finally play the chicken.  There are also two exercises to do with a surgical tube attached to the door knob.

In ten days I am supposed to call to let him know if the pain level is decreasing.  I'll let you know too.

Much to my surprise the doctor told me that I am really strong.  This to the 60+ woman who is struggling to open jars.

Since Aleve causes me to throw up, he okayed taking Advil - three tablets - three times a day.  He assured me that we would look at my kidneys in some later year.  Sigh.

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