Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Note to the Family from the Professor

We had a very nice experience at church today on the "Sabbath."  The chapel's  front wall is a vast window looking down on Old Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. To the left of us were the Mount of Olives and the Garden of Gethsemane. The sacrament hymn was "In Humility, Our Savior" and the verses are as follows:
1. In humility, our Savior,
Grant thy Spirit here, we pray,
As we bless the bread and water
In thy name this holy day.
Let me not forget, O Savior,
Thou didst bleed and die for me
When thy heart was stilled and broken
On the cross at Calvary.
2. Fill our hearts with sweet forgiving;
Teach us tolerance and love.
Let our prayers find access to thee
In thy holy courts above.
Then, when we have proven worthy
Of thy sacrifice divine,
Lord, let us regain thy presence;
Let thy glory round us shine.
Mom and I started off singing but the setting was so powerful that tears started to flow.  It was a very touching moment, to say the least, and we have so much for which we are grateful, especially the sacrifice of our Savior and having you as our beloved family members. We do hope and pray that we can all be together as we regain His presence and live in joy and happiness for eternity.
Dad and Mom

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