Monday, May 27, 2013

Mahane Yehuda Market

I was very cocky yesterday and went out without any sunscreen on my neck and exposed adjacent parts.  I had been in Israel for several days, right?  I came back yesterday from wandering in the city with the Professor with a very sun burned neck and "chest."  So much for my over confidence that I would not get burned.  Of course, my legs are just as white as they have ever been. 

This morning the Professor went to a session of the conference.  My plans were to go to the botanical gardens.  They are on the campus not far from the faculty club where we are staying.  I was struggling with an old Friday New York Times puzzle that I had brought with me and just drifted off to sleep.  I woke up not long ago and realized that the Professor should be back here in the room in less than an hour.  Ahem.  I'll have to confess that I slept this morning instead of exploring the garden. 

Yesterday we hopped on the bus and the light rail to see a bit of the city beyond where we are staying.  We got off at Mahane Yehuda Market and spent an hour just wandering through the alley ways of the  fruit and vegetable market.  We got some pictures of a hot and sweaty Elaine in front of the olive stall and some of the vegetable stalls.  It was a huge area and fun to look at. This was definitely the largest food market that I had ever seen.   

The only item that we purchased was 10 shekels of gummy worms.  I was very much tempted by the apricots but the Professor was dubious about whether they  were ripe of not.  The green grapes were such a bright vivid green that I was skeptical about their ripeness.  We could have used some knowledge of Hebrew so that we could ask for a sample before buying.  

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