Saturday, May 4, 2013

Red Rock Casino

We can see the pools and the mountains from our room.

In our room there are several framed photographs of the canyon.  Over the bath is a large picture framed in a thin black edging.  When I first looked at the picture, I thought it was modern art.  I could see no sense to it.  Suddenly today, I realized that it was a close up of a yucca plant that had been blown up to make a picture that is larger than a poster.  Now when I look at the photograph, I cannot understand why I did not recognize the plant immediately.  It is so obvious that it is a plant.

 I have tried taking a photograph of this unusual picture but have failed miserably.  With or without a flash, with or without the room lights on, I get a reflection.  These pictures give an idea of what it is like but the leaves of the agave or yucca plant are green with red all around them.

The hot tubs are overpopulated with children.  The Professor and I drove a cute little girl away by using the one that was not working very well.  She apparently thought we were too scary.  Her dad was right there keeping an eye on her.  She just went over to the big round pool with the fountain.

I used the pool and did some laps but my arms are horribly weak.  It was comfortable and I had the entire pool to myself.  I guess the small pools to the right? of the lap pools are "cooling off" pools.  Take a quick dip and then go back to sunning/baking yourself.  I am not into the baking part.  I want to sit in the shade...especially my head/eyes so that I can read.  The only way that I ever get tan is from doing yard work or walking on the beach.  

The picture below is of the carpet in part of the building.  It mirrors the layers of rock that one sees in the canyon. 

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