Sunday, July 14, 2013

Is your shirt on inside out?

The other day I put on my khaki shorts and got ready to walk on the beach.  However, I discovered that I had a problem when I tried to put the key to the car in my pocket.  I couldn't find the pocket.  It took me only a moment to realize that the reason I couldn't find a pocket was because I had my shorts on backwards.

It is a sad situation when you have to face the fact that your belly is as big as your behind so that you can't tell if your pants are on backwards just by the fit.

Tonight after swimming in the pool and taking a shower, the professor and I went out to a comfortable buffet style restaurant for dinner.  I took a favorite shirt out of the closet and put it on.  It is a white shirt with a small red design.  I had on denim capris and red shoes.  I actually thought I looked fairly nice.

We got settled in a booth and were enjoying our dinner.  The professor got up to check out the salad bar.  It was then that a woman with a definite New Jersey accent approached me and said, "Excuse me, but I think you have your shirt on inside out."

There was no mistake.  I certainly did have my shirt on inside out.  There was a label sticking out on the side and when I went to the restroom, I discovered that there was a label at the neckline as well. At my age it is not embarrassing to have someone kind tell you that you apparently don't know how to dress yourself.  Honestly, all I could do was thank her for telling me about it.

When the Professor returned to our table, I told the women sitting behind me that it was all his fault for not having noticed my inside out shirt.  In truth, I have been known to go to work with my shirt on inside out as well.  My co-workers have no problem pointing out that I need to go to the restroom and put my shirt on  right.

It was an interesting dinner because Nancy told me about a few of her embarrassing moments and I shared a few of mine with her.  Before we left, she gave me her business card.  It says she is a housekeeper/nanny.  She only told me about one client.  She goes once a week to care for a very sharp 94 year old woman.  She helps her bath and shampoo her hair and makes sure that house is in good order.

If I live to be 94 I hope there is a Nancy to come help me at home.  As for the daily part of my life, I am so grateful for the women or men in my life who don't hesitate to point out that I have my clothes on backwards or inside out or are willing to tuck in the label at the back of my neck.

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