Friday, July 19, 2013

Not long after we arrived at the beach we were passed by a small sand vehicle with two life guards in it.  They drove to the southern corner of the beach by the "castle."  One of them grabbed a board and was gone.  It was amazing to see how quickly he paddled on the surf board out into the ocean.  After that another guard took out a board and a third one who arrived in a jeep dove into the waves and was gone.  We stood on the shore trying to see beyond the rising and falling surf what had happened.  Before anyone made it to shore one of the water skidoo driven by a life guard had joined the rescue.  Our immediate thought was that a kayak had gone over leaving its passengers floating in the ocean.  However, it was not long before we saw the guards with boards coming in.  Each one had a passenger.  Then came the water vehicle with two people clinging to the yellow board on its back.  

Four people all together and four life guards.  They looked as if they were snorkeling and perhaps one of them got into trouble.  There was a teenage boy who looked a little shaken up but everyone was fine.  

The mystery to us is:  how did the life guard station know that off in this remote corner far from the closest life guard tower someone needed assistance?  We had not seen any helicopters in the air nor anyone out in a vehicle checking the beach.  Did someone with a pair of binoculars pick up the people in distress?  

So nice to know that they are there with the capability of a rapid response.

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