Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Glimpse of Finland's Glee

This evening we went to a reception just across the street from where we live. The school is one of the leading high schools in Finland for the performing arts. It is called the Sibelius School for the Performing Arts.

We first hear a young woman play amazingly complicated but beautiful music. It reminded me of classical with a touch of jazz. Maybe some Gershwin. When she was finished another girl sang "Like a Bridge over Troubled Water." Both performances were memorable.

Then the accapella choir came to sing. As Earl said, I was reminded of Glee. They were amazing. They sang this song Butterfly which on Youtube is sung by a Finnish group called Rajaton. It was a large chorus. The girls looked pretty much like girls anywhere, but the guys were interesting. Dressed and with hair maybe just a little over the edge. When they were finished, they sang a second song in Finnish.

Of course, I did not take the camera. And I so wish that I had.


Sweet as the sound of my newformed wings
I stretch them open, I let them dry
I haven't seen this world before
But I'm excused, I'm a butterfly

Sweet as the touch of your newborn wings
We fly in circles, we play with the sun
We haven't seen this world before
So fair, so bright, so blue the sky

Love me, love me on the leaves
Before we say goodbye
Love me, kiss me with the breeze
You will be my lullaby
Tomorrow I'll die
Tomorrow I'll die
Tomorrow I'll die
Tomorrow I'll die
Be my lullaby

Love me, kiss me with your breeze

Love me, love me on the leaves

Love me, love me on the leaves
Before we say goodbye

Sweet as the wind as it gently blows
The day away. And the night time comes
Great are the wonders that silence shows
I fall asleep and I dream of the sun

And my butterfly

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