Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Tea Party

Many years ago, we started having a "tea party" at Christmas time. We had so many girls in the family that it seemed like a very appropriate annual celebration. I don't remember now when the last time was that all of the girls got together to have a party of our own. Last time we all wore crazy sweaters. I bought one at Deseret Industries that my daughters said looked far too nice.

This year, Lisa invited everyone to a party and suggested that we all wear scarves and boots. Even tiny Gemma who is not quite ten months old had a scarf as did Turk who is one year old.

It was a great year to celebrate being "Fry" girls because we were together except for two of us. Chasity and Kyla Fry were in North Carolina . We had lots of goodies to eat and soda pop and carbonated juice instead of tea.

Monday, December 26 at 3020 Cherokee Lane.

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