Saturday, December 3, 2011

What If

The professor is out town so, of course, I woke in the night feeling as sick as can be. I have slept off and on all day long.

I had all of these ideas that I was going to have everything spic and span before he got home from Warsaw tonight. I dragged myself out of bed to drain the water collected in the dryer.* I had washed sheets. Of all the strange things, when I returned the container to the dryer, I went to pull my hand away and discovered that the pinky on my right hand was trapped in a hole under the handle.

I pulled the pan out again, turned it upside down as if to drain it. Moved the pan every which way and I could not get my finger out. I did not even feel it go into the hole in which it was trapped. Finally I decided that there was nothing else to do but pull my finger out no matter how much it hurt. I am a total wimp. Just want you to know. It took several tries before I actually used the bruit force it took to pull my finger out.

And now I expect all of you to be sympathetic. Actually I just needed someone to talk to.

Part of the nail is torn off and it bled quite a bit but it is down to manageable discomfort at this point. But so weird. Of course, now I am going to be phobic about dumping the water. It has been a reminder to me that if I had a serious accident, I have not got a clue what I would do. I wonder if Earl does.

At least I am awake now. :)

*For those of you who have never had the opportunity to use a dryer in Europe this is a sample of what a dryer looks like. Notice the drawer at the top left of the machine. In the US we vent the dryer to the outdoors. All of the air and moisture is expelled outside of the house. In Europe the moisture extracted from the clothes is collected in a pan. Pull out the drawer and there is an enclosed pan with warm water to empty. When the pan becomes full of water again, it is emptied again.

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