Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Helsinki, December 2011

As quoted by Professor Fry: “No problem is so big that you can’t try to run away from it!”
Linus Van Pelt
Charles Schulz

Helsinki December 2011

In August Earl and Elaine ran away from all of the complications and problems in their lives and took up residence in Helsinki, Finland. Finland is the European country that is really far north. It shares a border with Russia. You are probably familiar with Lapland, Northern Lights and the home of Santa Claus and real reindeer. That is Finland. However, we live in the big city at the southern end of country, so we have not had a chance to experience any of those unique qualities.
We found out late last winter that Earl had been granted a Fulbright to teach at the University of Helsinki. We decided this was a once in a life time opportunity to which we could not say no. Last year the first snow fell on November 1st and did not vanish until spring time. Today we had our first dusting of snow. However, the shrinking daylight hours are working right on schedule. At seven o’clock in the evening when it has been dark for three hours, I start thinking it must be time for bed.

We have had several people ask if we have had a difficult time adjusting to living here or if we have undergone “culture shock.” Quite honestly this has been an easy transition for both of us. We live in an old building in a spacious and very comfortable apartment. The people with whom Earl works have been kind and helpful. I am not totally adjusted to listening to talks at church with earphones and a translator, but I am extremely grateful that someone is willing to translate the speeches into English for the benefit of those of us who do not speak Finnish. So far my vocabulary consists of only three words. I can say hello – hei (pronounced hey). Kiitos is thank you and yes is simply jo – pronounced YO. Or Kylla. I like that one especially since we have a granddaughter named Kyla.
Both of us have tried to do some traveling since we arrived here. Earl has had a few meetings, conferences and speaking engagements that he has gone to on his own. For example, he made his first trip to Warsaw last week. Together we have explored Ephesus, Athens, Rome, and Vilnius.
We are returning to Provo for Christmas but will be back before the new semester begins in January. Earl had one seminar this semester with only a few people in it but a large class on US foreign policy with about 70 in it. Of course, he teaches in English and his students write their exams in English. Most of those with English as a second or third language write as well as those of us who speak it as a first and perhaps only language.

I could go on forever telling you about living in this unique corner of the world, but I am sure you are ready to check for the other letters in your IN box. We both want to wish you a very happy holiday season and joy in 2012.

Elaine and Earl Fry

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