Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Village

I took these pictures this morning at Senate Square where there is currently a large Christmas village. Lots of hats and gloves. Long socks to wear under your boots. However those were 25 Euros so they stayed at the village.

The cobblestones were very icy so everyone was walking cautiously. Earl, it won't surprise you to know that I saw Pirkko looking for a food booth and wished her a happy holiday.

The Finnish believe that if you light candles in your home, it will prevent you from having depression from the long dark days. Otherwise, they seem like intelligent people. You will notice that two businesses that I passed have candles burning by their front doors. The Christmas village had lots of candles for sale.

The village will be here by us for only a few days and then it will move on to another location. And like all things here in Finland, everything was very expensive. I also did not buy a hat for 40 Euros either.

Ps. I think that 1 E is about $1.42.

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