Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I Woke Up this Morning

I woke up this morning with freezing feet. The room didn't feel colder than usual and my sleep had not been interrupted because they were cold. I was very surprised. When I put my right foot against my left calf, I could hardly believe how cold my foot was.

When I finally got up the courage to get out of bed and put on two pair of wool socks, I started to feel better. I headed to the kitchen and put the electric kettle on to heat some water for hot chocolate. Suddenly it occurred to me that maybe the cold is the reason that the Finnish are so addicted to coffee.

I am missing my flip flops as usual now that I am dealing with cold weather and more substantial footwear. It takes me so long to put on my snow/hiking boots. And it is definitely necessary to sit down to put them off. Fortunately getting them off does not present as many challenges.

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