Friday, September 2, 2011

Meanwhile in Southern California

We may be far away in Helsinki but our hearts are never far from San Diego and the Pacific Ocean. During the past week there have been several shark sights at the Children's Beach and La Jolla. This has been coupled with unusual surf heights resulting from a storm off New Zealand. Of course, surfers are not easily frightened away by shark sightings. However, the beaches were actually closed for 24 hours on two occasions.

Note from my sister-in-law who lives in Santa Cruz:

What we have here besides the high surf is a whale they have named Stinky. They feel that it is a female eating off the coast about two miles out. The whale is feasting on anchovies. There was a picture in the paper of the whale coming up high out of the water. I haven't seen it as I do not have any binoculars to get a good look of it. It is off of the Boardwalk and the wharf.

The surf has been very high off the California coast. So many surfers have been rescued off of our coast. The high surf has been too much. Thank you for the pictures. Bette

Ten foot surf is expected with a strong rip current; so, Labor Day beach-goers have been told to be cautious. Swim only where there is a life guard present.

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